I've been missing in action from the blog! So sorry about that. It's not as if a lot has been going on...and that probably explains my absence. I haven't been up to too many adventures, but here are a few snapshots from my Instagram feed to show you the day to day stuff that I've been up to lately.
I made this amazing Butternut Squash Lasagna, using a squash and sage that came in our Kula Fields delivery box. I'm loving our home delivery of locally grown fruits and veggies that we get every two weeks.
Some T-Bone loving.
My first ripe cherry tomato from my plants! It was delicious!
And a sunset from work. You know that a sunset is good at the restaurant when employees rush out with their phones to grab a picture. Technically, cell phones are not allowed on the floor during work, but our managers tend to turn a blind eye when the sunset is this gorgeous.
I hope you are all having a great day!
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