Tracey and I went for a quick two hour whale watch with Maui Adventure Cruises out of Lahaina. After a slow start of cruising out to pods of whales that sunk under the surface shortly after we arrived, we came across a small pod of juvenile male Humpback Whales about an hour into our tour.
One particular whale stayed up at the surface and rolled. He swam a bit on his side, revealing his pectoral fin, then rolled a bit and swam with his white belly exposed, then rolled again.
{pectoral fin}
{a little side stroke}
{more side stroke}
Based on the smaller size of these whales, our guides told us that these whales were probably around 5 to 6 years old, as Humpback Whales don't reach their full size until around 8 years.
{pectoral fin}
{upside down}
It was a great day out on the water. The ocean was glossy and flat like a mirror, and the sea breeze and spray felt great after a hot morning hanging out in Lahaina.
The ladies running the show on our boat where professional, friendly, informative and fun.
The zodiac we cruised was zippy and smooth and got us to the whales first. A great ride, a great crew, and a great whale watch.
I would go back out for more! And I probably will. Whale season isn't over yet!
{cruising back towards Lahaina}
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